Read understanding destiny and purpose

In This article is the explanation of the difference between DESTINY and PURPOSE


The word DESTINY is a complex statement. Destiny cannot be changed,and people buy into the notion that since destiny cannot be changed,then anything that happens in a man's life is the will of God

 but the word of God said in the book of
  Deuteronomy 30:19, I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live.

meaning that God gave us a will, whatever path we choose we bear the consequences

Adam and  eve were in the garden of Eden, God did not destined that they corrupt the nature of human race, but he put in the garden the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil
 But they choose to eat from the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil and they bear the consequences

In destiny there is no will,we are helpless in the face of destiny.
For instance  women are destined to have womb,women don't have womb by choosing if to have or not
Every woman has womb not based on their will.that explains what we call DESTINY

Let me explain DESTINY with these two illustration

 FAMILY : We do not have a will to be a part of our family,we just find Ourselves in the family we are not a member of our family at will or by choosing, but that's what happened to us and it can't be changed

No one will say am going back to heaven because I don't like my daddy, it cannot be changed that's why I call it destiny.

If I was asked b4 being born into this word that who should be my father I think I will choose Dangote to be my father but I was not given a will, that's why I say it's destiny


JESUS: Jesus is destiny.
 That we don't have a will to be a member of our family also we don't have a will of how to inherit the kingdom of heaven it's only through Jesus Christ.

Through him did God reconcile the word to himself and if anyone would be saved,you have to give him your heart, he has to be the lord over your life,you have to believe that he was raised from the dead and that he is alive.

No other way than this is for a man to inherit the kingdom of God. That when Jesus said “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. He is not saying he is one of the ways or one of the truth or one of the life.

He is definite about it that only through him we can go to the father, we have no will or option. It cannot be changed so Jesus Christ is DESTINY.

So when we buy into the notion that whatever will be will be,it is a wrong philosophy.
We have  WILL, And we choose the path to follow in life and we can't call it destiny.

only that the path we choose we bear the consequences. Everything that happens to us in life is the result of what we choose it's not called destiny.
 Destiny are the things we cannot change.


 The word purpose means the reason for which something is done or created. Every man that has the opportunity to be born into this world is giving a purpose in life, no matter the backgrounds.

nobody is born empty. Inside everyone there are gifts, talents and skills but the problem we have with purpose is that we have a will and also we have responsibilities to discover,build and fulfil our purpose.

So many people that came to life and died as though they don't have a purpose in life,
That someone died without fulfilling his purpose doesn't mean He did not have a purpose

just that he did not discover his purpose before he died.

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 some people buy into the notion that the grave is the richest place on earth saying that people that did not fulfil their purpose are many in the grave,that those things they should have achieved is in the grave with them. It's a big lie, nobody will die with his or her purpose.

The book of Isaiah 46:10-11 say whatever God has purposed he will do it. The person may die but God purpose will stand.

When God said Moses will take the Israelites out of Egypt to a land that flow with milk and honey, Moses died without fulfilling the purpose,he could not take the people to the land that God said, he died but Joshua fulfil the purpose .that someone died without fulfilling his or her purpose doesn't mean he or she goes to the grave with it.

everyone will die empty but God purpose will stand.that fear could not allow you to fulfil your purpose does not mean God will loose, God has nothing to loose if you dont fulfil your purpose , there are many people God can use to replace you when you died and did not fulfil the purpose God has given you.

Let me use the parable of the three servant to buttress my point

When the master gave  talent to three of his servants  ,he gave unto one 1 talent another 2 and another 5 .the one that received 1 talent went to dig it in the ground instead to do business with it,but he did not make use of it and when the master comes back and every other person did business with their talent and received 2 folds and the one with 1 talent did not use his to do business and the master collected that 1 talent from him and give it to someone else.

God has nothing to loose, if you don't do anything with what God has given you,you are the only one that looses ,so dear readers let's wake up,that you are alive today is telling you that you are still in God's plan,keep the conciousness that you are in this life for a purpose.

If you still doubting what your purpose in life is ,this three questions will give you a clue

  1. What would I do if I knew I couldn’t fail?
  2. What would I do even if nobody paid me to do it?
  3. What makes me come alive

Don't confuse DESTINY for PURPOSE .
you are living for a purpose.

Every single day take one small step that moves you in the direction of your purpose.
God bless you all.

                                            ©Oyewole Solomon


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