Dont bleed on your partner
Healing from past wounds is a crucial part of any healthy relationship. When we carry unresolved pain and trauma from our past into our current partnerships, it can have a detrimental impact on both ourselves and our loved ones. One common way this manifests is through bleeding on our partners - projecting our unresolved emotions onto them and expecting them to fix or heal us. Bleeding on your partner is a term used to describe the act of unloading your emotional baggage onto your significant other, expecting them to bear the burden of your past pain. This can take many forms, from constantly seeking reassurance and validation to lashing out in anger or blame. While it may provide temporary relief, it ultimately creates a toxic dynamic in the relationship and prevents true healing from taking place. So how can we break this cycle and heal from our past without burdening our partners? The first step is to acknowledge and take responsibility for our own healing journey. It is not f...