
Dont bleed on your partner

  Healing from past wounds is a crucial part of any healthy relationship. When we carry unresolved pain and trauma from our past into our current partnerships, it can have a detrimental impact on both ourselves and our loved ones. One common way this manifests is through bleeding on our partners - projecting our unresolved emotions onto them and expecting them to fix or heal us. Bleeding on your partner is a term used to describe the act of unloading your emotional baggage onto your significant other, expecting them to bear the burden of your past pain. This can take many forms, from constantly seeking reassurance and validation to lashing out in anger or blame. While it may provide temporary relief, it ultimately creates a toxic dynamic in the relationship and prevents true healing from taking place. So how can we break this cycle and heal from our past without burdening our partners? The first step is to acknowledge and take responsibility for our own healing journey. It is not fair

Heart that can't find love

  Love is a beautiful and powerful emotion that has the ability to bring immense joy and fulfillment into our lives. However, for some individuals, the fear of having their heart broken can prevent them from fully embracing and accepting true love. A fragile heart, one that has been hurt in the past or is afraid of being hurt in the future, may put up walls and barriers to protect itself from potential pain. This fear can manifest in various ways, such as avoiding vulnerability, pushing people away, or sabotaging relationships before they have a chance to develop. When someone with a fragile heart encounters true love, they may struggle to accept it. They may question the sincerity of their partner's feelings, doubt their own worthiness of love, or fear that opening themselves up to love will only lead to heartbreak. In reality, true love requires vulnerability and trust. It requires letting down your guard and allowing yourself to be fully seen and accepted by another person. For

The Negative Impact of Blind Faith: How Religion Without Intelligence Harms Society

  Religion has been a powerful force throughout human history, shaping cultures, societies, and individuals in profound ways. While faith can provide comfort, guidance, and a sense of community, when combined with a lack of critical thinking and intelligence, it can also have detrimental effects on individuals and society as a whole. In this article, we will explore how blind faith, devoid of intelligence and critical analysis, can lead to harmful outcomes for people and communities. 1. Stifling of Critical Thinking: When individuals adhere to a religious belief system without engaging their critical faculties, they may become less inclined to question or challenge dogma and authority figures. This lack of critical thinking can lead to unquestioning acceptance of harmful practices, beliefs, and teachings, inhibiting personal growth and societal progress. 2. Division and Conflict: Religion, when divorced from intelligence and critical reasoning, can be a divisive force in society. Histo

Religion without knowledge is dangerous

  Religion has always been a powerful force in shaping societies and individuals. It provides a sense of purpose, community, and moral guidance to billions of people around the world. However, when religion is practiced without knowledge or understanding, it can become a dangerous tool that can be used to justify violence, discrimination, and ignorance . One of the most dangerous aspects of practicing religion without knowledge is the potential for extremism. When individuals blindly follow religious teachings without understanding the context or true meaning behind them, they can easily be manipulated by extremist leaders who twist these teachings to justify their own violent agendas. This has been seen time and time again throughout history, with religious extremists using their beliefs to justify acts of terrorism, persecution, and war. Another danger of practicing religion without knowledge is the potential for discrimination and intolerance. When individuals are not educated about


   * JESUS LOVES YOU UNCONSTITUTIONALLY *  Your worst days are never so bad that you are beyond the reach of God’s grace. And your best days are never so good that you are beyond the need of God’s grace. The mountains may shift, and the hills may be shaken, but my faithful love won’t shift from you, and my covenant of peace won’t be shaken,’ says the Lord, the one who pities you.” — Isaiah 54:10 All of our “good days even our very best days, still need God’s grace, because God’s standard of judgment is his glory — a standard to which we all fall short. Even the Spirit-filled fruit of our faith in Christ is still tainted with mixed motives and woefully incomplete compared with his righteousness. As for our “bad days,” even our very worst days in Christ, don’t alienate us from God’s favor, cause him to love us less, or diminish our Father’s ultimate delight in us. Our worst days don’t put us in the doghouse of shame and penance but in our Father’s house of grace and redemption through fa


  Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the holy places by the blood of Jesus, by the new and  Living way that he opened for us through the curtain, that is, through his flesh, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkler clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water . Hebrews 10:19-22 I’ve wondered why God was so detailed about how Moses was to make the tent of meeting ("Tabernacle").  God warned Moses to make it exactly like what He showed him ( Exodus 25:8-9 ). It was important to Israel, but I wondered why should it mean anything to me ... until I saw how the Tabernacle was a picture of Jesus making a way for us to know and rightly worship the living, holy God! Here’s the picture: 1. First, there was only one door into the Tabernacle  Jesus said,  "I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and

Read : Priciples without God

Everyone is born with the Ability to be great but it's so sad that many people Give up on the Path that leads to their Greatness.  I want everyone reading This Article to know that No one is Born Great and No one is Born a mediocre.  Everyone is a product of their Decisions, before Anyone can be Great you have to choose to follow the Path that leads to Greatness but many people choose the path to mediocrity because the path to Greatness seems Hard  no one becomes Great by mistake ,it's has never been easy with a Great man but they choose to do it hard Greatness is not for the Casual seeker but those who are desperate enough to pay the price it Requires to be Great.  Some people will say nobody has two heads and that's a mistake cos some people has two Heads ,the Price they paid becomes their second Head. Everyone Will go through the process that leads to Greatness but some will fail ,infact many will fail cos the path to Greatness Requires more than Determi

Grace Is The Power To Overcome Sin

No man needs a license to do evil. The fallen state of man affords him that. Any man who is still a custodian of the Adamic Nature is a Licensed sinner from birth, sin is his nature. Grace is God’s cure for sin. John the baptist, the last prophet of the Old Testament puts it like this, “The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” John‬ ‭1:29‬ ‭KJV‬‬ So no man can defeat sin except he beholds and receives this lamb of God who is the embodiment of grace! “And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace.” John‬ ‭1:14 KJV When a man receives Jesus who is grace, the coming of Christ into him removes that sinful nature completely and the nature of sonship takes over that man and that man is no longer a sinner but a son of God! “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:” John‬ ‭1:12‬ ‭KJV‬‬ Contrary to the legalist claims,

Read : Grace is The Cure For Sin

  GRACE IS THE CURE FOR SIN If a man could live a perfect life, he would never be separated from the presence of God. But sin, has placed the great gulf of spiritual death between each human being and his Creator. In this lesson we shall examine the cure for sin that God has made possible through Jesus Christ.   THE NECESSITY FOR ATONEMENT It has to never been possible for man to atone (make amends) for his own sins. We cannot by performing a multitude of good deeds erase our transgressions of God’s laws. Because separation from God results from sin, God will not listen to our pleas until atonement has been made for our mistakes. Isaiah declares this in saying, ‘But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear.’ Isaiah 59:2 In spite of man’s sin, however, God still loved him and determined to make possible a means of forgiveness. Since man could not atone for his own sins that required that God prov

This Is How I See Life (EPISODE TWO)

there is always something about ourselves we can improve on. The human potential is limitless, so it’s impossible to reach a point of no growth.          The quality of your relationships with others, your happiness and success in life and even your bank account is nothing else but the measure of time you invest in  personal development . Now you have the opportunity to invest your time wisely in reading this article and you can finally solve the dilemma about what personal development is and why it is so important. I would say that people who don’t invest time to develop their personality can never grow. And if they don’t grow they stay small. Same as a plant need water to grow, people need  personal development  to grow as a human beings.This is how I see Life  If you don’t grow, you die. If your relationship is not growing, it is dying. If your bank account is not growing, it’s dying.This is how I see Life                 THIS IS HOW I SEE LIFE Personal develop

Read : This is how I See life (EPISODE ONE)

“I can’t live without you.” Those can be some of the most endearing words to say — that someone means so much to you. But those can also be the most frightening words to say — that you need someone so much. When you use this expression figuratively, it can be a very sweet sentiment, just like it was when Tom Cruise told Renee Zellweger in the movie  Jerry Maguire , “You complete me.” But if you mean those words in any form of reality, that’s a problem. None of us can be truly happy with someone else until we’re truly happy with ourselves. Our happiness cannot solely rest on another person. For the person hearing that, or seeing you demonstrate that, it can be overwhelming and scary. One person cannot be the end-all, be-all of our existence. Giving control of your happiness is a lot of power to give to someone else. You should want to be in control of that yourself — it is your life, after all. From your partner’s point of view, it is an immense responsibility