Read : Priciples without God
Everyone is born with the Ability to be great but it's so sad that many people Give up on the Path that leads to their Greatness.
I want everyone reading This Article to know that No one is Born Great and No one is Born a mediocre.
Everyone is a product of their Decisions, before Anyone can be Great you have to choose to follow the Path that leads to Greatness but many people choose the path to mediocrity because the path to Greatness seems Hard
no one becomes Great by mistake ,it's has never been easy with a Great man but they choose to do it hard
Greatness is not for the Casual seeker but those who are desperate enough to pay the price it Requires to be Great.
Some people will say nobody has two heads
and that's a mistake cos some people has two Heads ,the Price they paid becomes their second Head.
Everyone Will go through the process that leads to Greatness but some will fail ,infact many will fail cos the path to Greatness Requires more than Determination.
You see many people say, "I have done everything I know to do but it's not working"
On the quest for greatness ,you need to know that even though you are willing to pay the Price ,you also need God to be Able to get to that desired place ,and God won't come to you but he has put in place a provision which is called FAITH ,and by faith you can become whatever you choose to become
Determination Alone will not sustain you but God's Grace is sufficient for you.
The word of God says the just shall live by faith , how do we live by faith? Romans 10:17 says Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God ,so it is Evident to know that faith has no other source other than the Word of God ,you live by the word of God ,that's what it means to live by faith.
you think ,speak and Act according to The Word Of God.
And No Matter how hard it looks if what you really hold on to is the word of God you can never Fail ,cos if you fail then the word of God has failed ,and if the word of God fails then God has failed because God and His word are One.
So with the conciousness that God cannot fail,let your thoughts, your speaking ,and your Actions be based on the word of God.
Faith necessarily don't just start with the thinking, speaking and Actions but it must first be from the heart.
The word of God must enter into your spirit first and out of the abondance of the heart full of the word of God,you think ,speak and Act and it will produce the desired Result
It is Pride to do things outside of God's word leaving God and doing things your own way is pride and the jealousy of God won't allow you to get to Greatness without his word.
This is what happened in the book of Genesis 11 where some people decide to build a city and a tower whose top may reach unto heaven and God came down and see the city and tower that they had already built ,and this time they had not start building but God came down and see the building already built and God said something that is Amazing,God said nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do
But God himself restrained them because of their pride in verse 4 of that chapter where they said they want to build the city and tower to make a name for themselves ,which is that they want to attain Greatness by their human Ability and the jealousy of God could not allow that.
In the book of job 35:12-13 shows God's Attitude towards Pride
Job 35:12 There they cry, but none giveth answer, because of the pride of evil men.35:13 Surely God will not hear vanity, neither will the Almighty regard it.
Pride is Evil is the sight of God and the scripture just did justice to that.
The people imagined to build a tower and they said to themselves let us build and they had bricks for Stone and slime for mortar which shows that they are acting already. It is Evident that the principle of Greatness is in place. They imagined ,they speak and they are Acting ,which God himself Attest that nothing can restained them from getting the desired Result because the priciple is Right but they failed at last because God is left out of the Priciple.
Whatever a man will do, putting God first before any principle is important. The word of God says if the foundation be destroyed what could the Righteous do..let God be the Foundation and principles is God that put principles in place and use those principles to prosper people ,you can't leave the Author of Principles aside and engage principles and expect the principle to work. Principles will always work but not without God.
God bless you
© Oyewole Solomon
Love dis sir....more grace