Every dream must take the form of a plan. 
Your dream won’t just happen. You need to sit down, on a regular basis, and plan out your strategy for achieving the dream.


There is no mistake to greatness,no one becomes great by mistake or by luck.there is a path way to greatness.

Greatness is not for some certain people , greatness is for anyone who dare to go after it,but mind you ,you can never achieve anything greater than your highest *_Aspiration_* .

The first step to greatness is for you to first *_visualize_* it,you must first see it in the *mind*...mind you there is no limit to what you can see with your *mind* cos the *mind* has no size,and whatever you see in your *mind*  you have the right to have it in the physical.

 There is nothing _conceiveable_ inside that is not _achieveable_ outside.

 No matter how great that dream of yours is,if you can see it you can have it

but it is possible for you to be seeing it forever and not achieve it,because for every *_DREAM_* there must be a corressponding *_ACTION_* and the greater the *_DREAM_* the greater the *_RESPONSIBILITY_*.

When you start *_dreaming_* it put pressure on you to have that thing which you are *_dreaming_* but *DREAM* is still at the realm of *hope* and *hope* without *_faith_* is  _hopeless_ . *FAITH* means believing , speaking that which you believe and *acting* on your belief based on the word of God.

Hebrews 11:1 says that *faith* is the substance of things *hoped* for ,that means hope has no substance if there is no faith.

So when you *hope* that your dream comes true, you must also be speaking it and act according to your belief based on the word of God,as it is said in the book of Joshua 1:8 .

You must take steps of *faith* , unless u will keep hoping till you die. The Bible says in James 2:17 that *faith* without work  is dead, meaning that when you say you have faith you must be ready to act accordingly.

    God is waiting for you to take steps of *faith* , if you can see it then nothing can stop you from achieving it only if you would take steps of faith.


     *FEAR* is part of the reason why people keep hoping and not take steps towards their dream,they think they might fail, and in life and on the path to greatness failure is inevitable, you must fail, cos that is where you will learn.

Failure is only failure when you don't learn from failures,when you learn from it we call it lesson.

There is difference between failure as a person and failure as an event.

You might fail at an event, it does not mean that you are a failure.

When you fall and refuse to stand up that is when you failed, because falling in the water will not make you drown,staying in the water is what will make you drown

 Take steps of  faith,God will not let you drown. This is how Peter walk on water, he was bold to take the first step and Jesus did not watch him drown. your greatness is too small a reason for God's word to fail for the first time_* .

Another reason why some people won't go for their *dream* is because of their
*COMFORT ZONE* . They are _comfortabl with the _safety of slavery_ because it is more attractive than the _uncertainty of freedom_ ,

like the children of Israel in the book of exodus 14:12 . Sometimes for you to go after your *dream* it will cost you to leave your *COMFORT ZONE.*

For some people it will cost them to leave their father's house, for some people it will cost them to quit their current job and for some people it will cost them to quit that relationship with the person who is holding them back to go for their dream

  But because of the _uncertainty of freedom_ , that is the reason why people don't want to leave their *COMFORT ZONE.*

If you play it safe in life, you ain't gonna have much of a life. Life is a Risk ,it takes _courage_ to pursue your *dream*

It's gonna cost you something, most people are not willing to pay the price it will cost to go after their *dreams* , most people don't like being _uncomfortable_

 If you don't want to be _uncomfortable_ please don't purse success. Success is a very _uncomfortable_ feeling. You have to be _comfortable_ being _uncomfortable_ if you desire success.

    Expand yourself. Take yourself out of your *COMFORT ZONE* . If you stay in your *COMFORT ZONE*  that is where you will fail.

  Success is not a _comfortable_ procedure, it is a very _uncomfortable_ thing to attempt, so you have to be _comfortable_ being _uncomfortable_ .if you ever want to be successful

if you have Extra ordinary _Aspiration_ then you gonna have to do *EXTRA* . champions are those who survived what others could not survive.


 *1. MENTORSHIP* - part of the steps you need to take is having a mentor in line with your Aspiration, there would be someone that inspire you in line with your dream. Get their materials,and study how they become that person you now admire

 *2.READING* - reading books that will inform you much better in line with your dream cos life will not excuse you of your ignorance. When you know better you can do better ,read to know and know to do.

 *3.SACRIFICE* - you must know that to be great in life is a great responsibility, it will cos you pain, it will constrain you.

 You will have to sacrifice a lot, you cannot sleep like every other person, you cannot go where every other person goes, you cannot eat like every other person.

   Its a scarm to expect from life when you are not giving life anything. If you have _extra ordinary aspiration_ then you have to do *EXTRA*.

     Life rewards tenacity. You must have persistent determination to be that person you *_dream_* of becoming.

 You must give it what it takes. That is the sacrifice you have to offer life for your greatness.

 Read also:Understanding Destiny And Purpose

  The reason for the article is to let everyone reading this to know that even when you are expecting something good to happen it will cost you something

 That Hope will cost you something. It takes something for you to stand in the position of readiness, expecting good things to happen.

To wait for something cost you more than somebody who wants nothing.

That's why we have so many people fall into the abyss of wanting absolutely nothing because sometimes it's easier not to want anything than to want it and not get it.

  We should learn from the parable of the 10 virgins, while they where waiting for the bride groom to come they where burning oil.
The hope will cost you.
God bless you all.
Jesus loves you .

                                 ©Oyewole Solomon


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