1.INFORMATION - you cannot be provoked by ignorance. When you know better you do better. Information is the fuel for the journey of purpose. Fredrick Douglas was one of the fathers of abolition in America,while he was still a slave, the wife of the slave master used to give him books to read. One day the slave master saw him with a book and he rebuke his wife, saying when you allow a slave to read, he will become dissatisfied with his condition. Information and slavery are incompatible. Information will reveal the road to freedom. It is the truth that you know that will make you free...
2.INSPIRATION - There is difference between information and inspiration, information is intellectual while inspiration is spiritual. You cannot make a full transformation of Information alone. Information tells you what while inspiration tells you why. Inspiration is when you feel a deep rooted passion and motivation to do something.. 

3.IMPARTATION - There is an importation that happens when you have been provoked by something. You become what provokes you. The anointing you respect is the anointing you received. Whatever you respect is what you receive. Some people will always be broke because they don't respect money, some people will never be educated because they don't respect intelligence. Anything you don't respect you can't receive.

4.MEDITATION - Meditation is a powerful principle.  Meditation put pressure upon your soul to make real what you are meditating upon. When you behold a thing in the spirit, it mount pressure upon your soul and it will push you into the point where you desire to have that experience in reality 
The power of imagination transport you into the reality of what you are seeing in the spirit.........

God bless you. I hope this blessed you? pass it on to friends and family.. It's an awakening to  transformation provoked by every good people and good things you see around.. Don't compete or get envious of anything can also be a possessor of it.. If God can do it for them he can do it for you is well with your soul.. 

©Oyewole solomon


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