Read Positive Effect Of Provocation On Attaining Success

Provocation is a positive response to exposure to the possibilities of more. provocation is that way in which God provokes us to move into something that we would not otherwise move into.

  Provocation comes through exposure, when you know better,you do better. Being exposed to better in an opportunity to provoke you to a difficult challenging process of change, Because change never comes easy. human are patternistic, we get into a pattern of doing things and that pattern becomes addictive behaviour. 

To make a mean person say am gonna be nice, to make an hateful person to say am gonna be loving, to make a sinner say I want to be saved. God often use things to disrupt our life and provoke us to hunger. 

God has a method of using the blessing he placed on one to draw others, sometimes God bless you as a sign to someone else that anybody who walks with him is bound to be blessed. 

READ ALSO: Reason Why People Don't Take Steps To Success

 Some people when they see you do better, love better,drive better,have better, speaks better,whatever better it is, they become envious of you and for some reason they think tearing you down brings them up. 

They don't know that God will allow you to see someone more loving, more gifted, more educated, more anything just to expose you, to provoke you, that if he did it for them he can do it for you. Some people are too foolish to be provoked, they choose to be envious. 

When God did not bring the person to make them feel small,but God bring the person to provoke them to the possibilities and the potentials of massive transformation.
©Oyewole Solomon


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