Steps That Can Help You In Realizing Your Dreams
This article give detailed explanation of various steps that can help human beings in realizing his goals and dream.
1. MENTORSHIP - part of the steps you need to take is having a mentor in line with your Aspiration, there would be someone that inspire you in line with your dream. Get their materials,and study how they become that person you now admire.
2.READING - reading books that will inform you much better in line with your dream cos life will not excuse you of your ignorance.
3.SACRIFICE - you must know that to be great in life is a great responsibility, it will cos you pain, it will constrain you. You will have to sacrifice a lot, you cannot sleep like every other person, you cannot go where every other person goes, you cannot eat like every other person. Its a scarm to expect from life when you are not giving life anything. If you have _extra ordinary aspiration_ then you have to do EXTRA.
Life rewards tenacity. You must have persistent determination to be that person you dream of becoming. You must give it what it takes. That is the sacrifice you have to offer life for your greatness.
Genesis 11:6
Joshua 1:8
Hebrews 11:1
James 2:17
James 1:22
This are the scriptures where the inspiration of the article came from
Dedicated to the Glory of God and to all those who Dare to Dream
The reason for the article is to let everyone reading this to know that even when you are expecting something good to happen it will cost you something.
That Hope will cost you something. It takes something for you to stand in the position of readiness, expecting good things to happen.
To wait for something cost you more than somebody who wants nothing. That's why we have so many people fall into the abyss of wanting absolutely nothing because sometimes it's easier not to want anything than to want it and not get it.
We should learn from the parable of the 10 virgins, while they where waiting for the bride groom to come they where burning oil.
The hope will cost you.
God bless you all.
Jesus loves you .
© Oyewole Solomon
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