Read : Plan B Can Sabotage Plan A


It certainly seems like a sensible idea: always make a backup plan just in case Plan A doesn’t work out.
However If you have a backup plan, then you’ve already admitted defeat.

We have so many doubters around us, when we tell people our plan they can say it's impossible but what they say can't stop you, but it's dangerous when you start doubting yourself, when you start doubting that's when you start creating a fall back plan. 

If you are creating plan B ,then it means if my plan does not work ,I have a plan B. 

And if you start thinking about plan B, every thought you put in plan B, you are taking the enery from plan A.

We function better when there is no safety net , plan B is a safety net , you start thinking if I fail then I will go back to this ,but we fuction better when there is no plan B.

Why people want to have a plan B is because they are worried about failing, but there is nothing wrong in failing , everyone that becomes successful has failed at a point in life. It's okay to fail ,what is not okay is to stay down.

The fear of failure open doors for Plan B and now you start think about another plan apart from the original plan, the energy from the original plan will reduce since there is a fall back Plan 

Franklin Roosevelt told us that “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself," but creating a backup plan is evidence that fear of failure is present. 

When we allow fear to creep in, we give away our sense of control, autonomy, and self-confidence.

 Once you become afraid of failure or success, your resolve is compromised. Engaging fully and with commitment in every new interaction or pursuit leaves you with nothing to regret. Truly doing your best—even if it’s not enough—is one of the most gratifying experiences possible.

And there’s another phrase that can become a part of your self-talk: Planning for failure gives you permission to fail. 

We believe what we tell ourselves about the world and our potential, so remind yourself that you can succeed and that you have the tools necessary to do so; don’t build an arsenal of self-sabotaging beliefs and self-talk. 

A successful outcome occurs when you plan for success, so focus your energy on achieving Plan A.

It is dangerous having a “Plan B" when you truly want your “Plan A” to succeed.

researchers found that once you begin thinking about a fallback plan, your desire to achieve your ultimate goal decreases.

those who were encouraged to develop a Plan B were less likely to achieve their goal. 

Not only were the Plan B participants less successful, their interest in reaching their original goal decreased.

Read Also:How Believing In Yourself Can Help Pursue Greatness

You’re looking for a new job and have just been asked to interview for the most ideal position you can imagine. Or maybe you’re desperately in need of any job and you’ve gotten your first response to the many applications you’ve submitted. 

Friends remind you not to put all of your eggs in one basket, so you tell yourself, “It’s OK if this job doesn’t come through. Just going to an interview is good practice for the next one.” You might also think, “This would be an amazing opportunity, but if it doesn’t work out, it’s proof that my application is able to get me in the door. 

There are openings coming up at other places every day.” But you’ve just told yourself that failure is OK—and this prepares you for a negative outcome, because you've given yourself permission to fail. 

the dangers and risks of having a “Plan B" when you truly want your “Plan A” to succeed. The researchers found that once you begin thinking about a fallback plan, your desire to achieve your ultimate goal decreases.

Some tips that will help you to success

Ask yourself if what you’re doing today is getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow.

You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.

Set a goal that you can’t achieve it until you grow into the person who can

If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal. Not to people or things.

You Can Never Cross The Ocean Unless You Have The Courage To Lose Sight Of The Shore.

 If You Want Something You Never Had, You Have To Do Something You’ve Never Done.

The Distance Between Your Dreams And Reality Is Call Action.

You don't get in life what you want ,you get in life who you are.

Nobody Is Too Busy, It’s Just A Matter Of Priorities.

It Is Never Too Late To Be What You Might Have Been.

If You Don’t Know Where You Want To Go, Then It Doesn’t Matter Which Path You Take.

You Attract What You Are, Not What You Want If You Want Great, Then Be Great.

 I Am Not What Happened To Me. I Am What I Choose To Become.

Sometimes Life Is About Risking Everything For A Dream No One Can See But You.

You’re Allowed To Scream, You’re Allowed To Cry, But Do Not Give Up.

I wish you all success 

 There is a version of you that can become what you wish don't hesitate to switch to that version of yourself and always remember that  for every Dream there must be a corresponding Action

                                              © Oyewole Solomon


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