Read : Tired Of Religion


The first step to change is getting tired of the status quo. The lepers said "why sit we here until we die?" (2 Kings 7:3).
Until you are tired of being a captive in EGYPT, you will not seek freedom from bondage.

Until you are tired of RELIGION and EMOTIONALISM , you will not seek experiential knowledge of the Truth, you will not seek the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.

Until you are tired of Making  NOISE in the church without POWER, you will not seek the Holy Spirit. The kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power.(1 Corinthians 4:20)

Until you are TIRED of ignorance, you will not seek KNOWLEDGE.

Until you are tired of HEAD KNOWLEDGE (knowledge of mere letters, head knowledge of the scriptures), you will not seek HEART KNOWLEDGE of the WORD which is revealed and imparted ONLY  by the Holy Spirit.

Until you are tired, you will not know the difference between what John Wesley called  MENTAL ASSENT and FAITH. In your head will be all the scriptures on faith but you'll be battling with FEAR, you will be a FAITHLESS teacher of FAITH.

You will know Acts 1:8, Micah 3:8, Mark 16:17-18 and Matthew 10:8 in your HEAD but will not manifest them.
Scorpions will play you like ball because the Truth is not revealed in your HEART.  Listen, until the word is revealed in your heart, it is impotent. THE TRUTH DWELLS IN HEARTS, NOT HEADS..

Christainity is not a Religion

the revelation of God is the abolition of religion." 
"It is always the sign of definite misunderstanding when an attempt is made to systematically coordinate revelation and fix their mutual relationship. 

"In opposition to all 'religionism' the proclamation of the grace of God is introduced as the truth...

"Religion is unbelief. It is a concern of...godless man.

"Religion is clearly seen to be a human attempt to anticipate what God in His revelation wills to do and does do. It is the attempted replacement of the divine work by a human manufacture.
"It is a feeble but defiant, an arrogant but hopeless, attempt to create something which man could do.

In religion man bolts and bars himself against revelation by providing a substitute, by taking away in advance the very thing which has to be given by God. It is never the truth. It is a complete fiction, which has not only little but no relation to God.

"What is the purpose of the universal attempt of religions but to anticipate God, to foist a human product into the place of His word, to make our own images of the One who is known only where He gives Himself to be known.

Read Also:Understanding Destiny And Purpose

"The revelation of God denies that any religion is true. No religion can stand before the grace of God as true religion.

Almost all people, inside as well as outside the church, find that the notion of grace stands in contradiction to everything they understand by religion.

"The gospel of grace is the end of religion, the final posting of the CLOSED sign on the sweatshop of the human race's perpetual struggle to think well of itself. For that, at bottom, is what religion is: man's well-meant but dim-witted attempt to approve of his unapprovable condition by doing odd jobs he thinks some important Something will thank him for.

"Religion, therefore, is a loser, a strictly fallen activity. It has a failed past and a bankrupt future. There was no religion in Eden and there won't be any in heaven; and in the meantime Jesus has died and risen to persuade us to knock it all off right now.

Christainity is not a religion 

Christainity is divinity expressed through humanity

Christainity is the only way out of religion 

Christainity is God's love towards the world 

Christainity is restoration of relationship between man and God
2Timothy 1:10 But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel

Act 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. 

Dear son of GOD, arise and shine for your light has come, Creation awaits your manifestation.

                                         © Oyewole Solomon


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