Read : What Kind Of Wife Are You

👉*Different Kind Of Wives*

A dictionary wife is a wife that does not welcome other people's opinion. She is always right in her own eyes.

She has no submission. There is contest for leadership. She is very difficult and full of troubles and arguments.

She is very arrogant, stubborn and disobedient. She is richer and powerful in one area or the other than the husband and she combines these powers to cause trouble at home.

*4. Party Wife*
She is highly social. She hardly stays at home because of parties and pleasure.

*5. Pampered Wife*
She is not use to anything hard and she is expected to be treated like a leprosy patient. She is very fragile and sophisticated.

*6. Dustbin Wife*
She is extremely dirty and disorganized. The sitting room is like a toilet and the kitchen becomes an empire of rats. Clothes are unwashed and so many things are left to be very dirty.

*7. ADC Wife*
She has zero tolerance for other women close to her husband. She is hostile to any woman close to her husband and sometimes police the husband like detective.

*8. Acidic Wife*
She is always ready to fight being moody and keeping malice for days. She has an acidic mouth that when she talks, it can be very terrible.

*9. Office Wife*
She just pursues her job and her career. Every other thing is secondary and all functions in the house are handled to housemaid. The children are not used to her, She is a career wife. *(But Thank God for Shutdown, for such kind of wife they will have no choice than to stay with their children )*

*10. Grandmother's Wife*
She is completely ancient in though, outlook and behaviour. If you tell her to wear night dresses, she will refuse and demand to wear her wrapper because of spirit husband. She wears very careless and disgusting dresses. She can refuse a kiss that it will cause asthma and also sex in the afternoon, that it will make her to give birth to albino.

*11. Pepper Wife*
She is very hot and aggressive. She does not like to relate with people and always finding faults with people. She is a thorn in her husband's flesh. Her husband's heart beat for fear anytime he wants to talk with her. She is too aggressive and difficult to live with. She is violence in nature.

*12. Spinster Wife*
She likes doing everything on her own and her dressing does not show that she is married. She is not serious with her marriage and chooses many single ladies as friends. She enjoys laughing out a lot without her husband. She is married yet like to live a lonely and a single lady's life.

*13. Occasional Wife*
She loves maids and nannies so much and lack good qualities of a good wife. She goes out a lot and comes back whenever she feel like. She has no time for her children and toy with her husband's emotion.

They are always on the internet, instagram, posting pictures with twisted legs, chatting and even forget to do basic shores because they want to know what is happening on FB..

*15. Kingdom Wife (Godly Wife)*
She is a blessing to her husband. She gives her husband rest on every side, she is a builder and not a destroyer. She is very friendly and accommodative, her husband is proud of her. She is a virtuous woman *Prov. 31:10-31*

What kind of wife are you ,are you a blessing or a mistake.
Read facts on how to achieve your dreams

Read also : How To Achieve Your Dreams

When we say wife most people think we are only talking about married women, No! The Bible says in proverbs 18 : 22 it says he who finds a wife finds a good thing , meaning that you have to become a wife before you are found.

Women both single and married be a blessing and not a disaster.

No man would want to loose a woman who has become a blessing to him instead of trying to make the man want you, just be a blessing.

Be a Godly wife.

 Many women beg their patner never to leave them ,most even fight just to keep their man but the best way to keep a man is for the woman to be a virtures woman

Support the man , encourage him, be loyal and honest, be prayeful, don't make him feel insecure, give him all your attention, be attractive and be smart, learn how to cook delicious meals, be a good manager, be neat, be mature and give him peace of mind, if there is anything he did wrong instead of giving him attitude just communicate it with him.

You can't beg a man to stay ,you can only make him stay when you present yourself irreplaceable,
Make him feel lucky to have you.

At some point in the relationship, every man asks himself: is this really the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with? 

The thing is asking him not to leave you won't matter at that point, telling him you love him won't matter at that point .

What really matters is, What kind of Wife Are You.if you Are a kingdom wife or not that's what really matters.

You must be a Wife before you are found 

don't wait for the guy to propose before you position yourself to be a blessing to him, no man would want to loose a good woman so don't be afraid to invest your all in that relationship just because of the fear of the unknown, just be every man's dream and your man will see loosing you as missing heaven, be his heaven on Earth and he would be your Angel.

   1.   When you find out what really ticks him off, stop doing it.

2.   Don’t ask him to fill needs in your life only God can fill.

3.      He is not your dad.

4.   He doesn’t know what you’re feeling. You have to tell him.

5.    He doesn’t know what you’re thinking. You have to tell him.

6.     He doesn’t know why you’re upset. You have to tell him.

7.    He didn’t stop being who he is when you got married. Let him go play with the guys. Let him pursue his hobbies.

8.     Only God can change a person. You cannot change him.

9.   A man needs time to unwind after work. Give him space.

10.   Don’t complain to your girlfriends about him.

11.   Put yourself in his shoes. What was his day like? Did he sleep well?

12.   Christ above all. Get your joy from Christ. Get your fulfillment from Christ. Get your purpose from Christ. Get your self-worth from Christ. Get your encouragement from Christ.

14.    Learn to be a good cook.

15.    You wouldn’t make him go days without food or water. Don’t make him go days without you.

16.    Learn your man’s language. What makes him feel most loved?

 17.    Apologize. Quickly.

18.    Study any flaws in how you express anger and fix them.

19.    Practice grace. Let the poor guy have some faults.

20.    Speak words of respect.

21.    Make your thoughts about him obey Christ.

22.    Don’t answer for him. If someone asks you if he can do something, say, “I don’t know. You’ll have to ask him.

23.    When you go on a date, decide what hot topics you will avoid.

24.    Create a peaceful home environment. Keep it simple and tidy 

25.    Flirt.

I wish you all your dream man 

Position yourself for your marriage 

Be a Wife for that man that will find you

God bless you.

*© Oyewole solomon *


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