
Read : Your Heart And The Word Of God

                             The heart The word "heart" is one of the most frequently used words in the Bible. Really, it occurs 876 times there and I thought to have a look at some of these occurrences. 1. The tree and the fruit To start, we will go to Matthew 12:33-35. There Jesus Christ said: Matthew 12:33-35 "A tree is known by its fruit..... For out of the abundance of the HEART the mouth speaks. A good man out of the good treasure of HIS HEART brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things" Also Matthew 7:16-18 tells us: "Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A GOOD TREE CANNOT BEAR BAD FRUIT, NOR CAN A BAD TREE BEAR GOOD FRUIT." A fruit is always the result of the tree that is behind it. No fruit can be produced without a tree, and no fruit can be different than the tree that produced it. The

Read : Tired Of Religion

              ARE YOU NOT TIRED OF THE TRADITION? The first step to change is getting tired of the status quo. The lepers said " why sit we here until we die?" (2 Kings 7:3) . Until you are tired of being a captive in EGYPT, you will not seek freedom from bondage. Until you are tired of RELIGION and EMOTIONALISM , you will not seek experiential knowledge of the Truth, you will not seek the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. Until you are tired of Making  NOISE in the church without POWER , you will not seek the Holy Spirit. The kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power.(1 Corinthians 4:20) Until you are TIRED of ignorance , you will not seek KNOWLEDGE . Until you are tired of HEAD KNOWLEDGE (knowledge of mere letters, head knowledge of the scriptures), you will not seek HEART KNOWLEDGE of the WORD which is revealed and imparted ONLY  by the Holy Spirit. Until you are tired, you will not know the difference between what John Wesley called  MENTAL A

Read:How to Know God Personally – Four Spiritual Principles

How to Know God Personally – Four Spiritual Principles Home   How to Know God Personally –... Printable Version What does it take to begin a relationship with God?  Devote yourself to unselfish religious deeds? Become a better person so that God will accept you? You may be surprised that none of those things will work. But God has made it very clear in the Bible how we can know Him. The following principles will explain how you can personally begin a relationship with God, right now, through Jesus Christ… Principle 1: God loves you and offers a wonderful plan for your life. God’s Love “God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” 1 God’s Plan [Christ speaking] “I came that they might have life, and might have it abundantly” [that it might be full and meaningful]. 2 Why is it that most people are not experiencing the abundant life? Because… Principle 2: All of

Read: Change Your Mind To Change Your Life

      A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes. The Law of Attraction is one of life’s biggest mysteries. Very few people are fully aware of how much of an impact the Law of Attraction has on their day to day life. Whether we are doing it knowingly or unknowingly, every second of our existence, we are acting as human magnets sending out our thoughts and emotions and attracting back more of what we have put out.  Gravity is an unchanging law of our universe. Not believing in the law of gravity is not important, stuff will still fall and may break upon landing. But, believing in the law of gravity allows you to predict and expect what will happen. The Law of Attraction works the same way.  What you send out is what you get back. Your frequency determines the reality you will experience Physical life circumstances are like a mirror, reflecting you. You cannot change the reflection in the mirror without changing yourself. the Law of Attraction is

Read : Plan B Can Sabotage Plan A

           It certainly seems like a sensible idea: always make a backup plan just in case Plan A doesn’t work out. However If you have a backup plan, then you’ve already admitted defeat. We have so many doubters around us, when we tell people our plan they can say it's impossible but what they say can't stop you, but it's dangerous when you start doubting yourself, when you start doubting that's when you start creating a fall back plan.  If you are creating plan B ,then it means if my plan does not work ,I have a plan B.  And if you start thinking about plan B, every thought you put in plan B, you are taking the enery from plan A. We function better when there is no safety net , plan B is a safety net , you start thinking if I fail then I will go back to this ,but we fuction better when there is no plan B. Why people want to have a plan B is because they are worried about failing, but there is nothing wrong in failing , everyone that bec

Read Wrong Philosophies

Whatever you believe of life or of yourself eventually happens. You don’t have anything to loose by believing right.  Everything starts from the mind… Think right, believe right and you will live right. Many people out there are suffering not because the government or people could not do right but because they believe in wrong philosophies of life. Stop being myopic, stop being shallow in your thoughts because your stardom depends on it. … You will never loose a thing for believing in yourself and believing great things for yourself. You will loose more if you don’t Here I have some wrong philosophies you might have been used to which I think you should change because I believe they are not good for progress… They are limitations and you don’t need them. WRONG PHILOSOPHIES 1. WHATEVER WILL BE, WILL BE Whatever will be will not be; you have to make it be. You have a part to play in what will be in your life, so don’t leave it to chance. 2. HALF BREAD IS BETTE

Read : What Kind Of Wife Are You

👉*Different Kind Of Wives* *1. DICTIONARY WIFE* A dictionary wife is a wife that does not welcome other people's opinion. She is always right in her own eyes. *2. BOXING PARTNER WIFE* She has no submission. There is contest for leadership. She is very difficult and full of troubles and arguments. *3. HEAD MASTER'S WIFE* She is very arrogant, stubborn and disobedient. She is richer and powerful in one area or the other than the husband and she combines these powers to cause trouble at home. *4. Party Wife* She is highly social. She hardly stays at home because of parties and pleasure. *5. Pampered Wife* She is not use to anything hard and she is expected to be treated like a leprosy patient. She is very fragile and sophisticated. *6. Dustbin Wife* She is extremely dirty and disorganized. The sitting room is like a toilet and the kitchen becomes an empire of rats. Clothes are unwashed and so many things are left to be very dirty.

Read:You Cannot Tempt God

*The Obvious truth that seems to be a lie which I believe that everyone must learn from before it will be too late.✊🏻* How Prophet Daniel Abodunrin Was Torn Apart By Lions At University Of Ibadan Zoo in 1991 (Courtesy Opera News) One of the most visited tourist destinations in Ibadan is the University of Ibadan zoological garden which proudly houses different animals ranging from lions to rabbits. It is one popular custom of many families living in Ibadan to visit the zoo during festive periods. On a fateful (later bloody) day in the Easter season of the year 1991, visitors stormed the U.I zoo as usual to enjoy the serene environment of the enclosure and have fun seeing different animals they have only seen on screens. Of all the animals in the zoo, the lions attract the highest number of visitors. It can even be concluded that a visit to U.I zoo without seeing the lions is not complete. As aforementioned, on that day, everybody was at the zoo to have a nice time seeing the animals an

Watch ; How To Be A fulfilling Christain

Don't follow Jesus because of prophesy or for miracles , follow Jesus with conviction from the word of God Real Also : Understanding Purpose and Destiny


Every dream must take the form of a plan.  Your dream won’t just happen. You need to sit down, on a regular basis, and plan out your strategy for achieving the dream. `` *`FOR EVERY DREAM THERE MUST BE A CORRESPONDING ACTION``` There is no mistake to greatness,no one becomes great by mistake or by luck.there is a path way to greatness. Greatness is not for some certain people , greatness is for anyone who dare to go after it,but mind you ,you can never achieve anything greater than your highest *_Aspiration_* . The first step to greatness is for you to first *_visualize_* it,you must first see it in the *mind*...mind you there is no limit to what you can see with your *mind* cos the *mind* has no size,and whatever you see in your *mind*  you have the right to have it in the physical.  There is nothing _conceiveable_ inside that is not _achieveable_ outside.  No matter how great that dream of yours is,if you can see it you can have it but it is possible for you